Own a $75,000 1.15-acre of Land ‘Underwater’ in San Fransisco (not clickbait)

Cody Krecicki
2 min readJun 10, 2021

The housing market is so out of control you can now buy land under the ocean for $75,000 an acre in San Francisco.

See it here https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/CA_94134_M23507-50649

The marketing is genius. Compare it to the marina district in San Francisco in 1915 when most of the plots were water plots as they call them. If you would’ve bought plots for $75,000 back then you’d be worth hundreds of millions of dollars now.

With the talk of a housing crisis and rentals nowhere to be found and once found you battle dozens of other people see more here https://youtu.be/y_JW4WKI4uo

Like like my wife says the mortgage is already underwater and with global warming you think your plot of land is only going to get deeper down there … under the ocean.

What do you think? Would you buy this instead of going and dropping it on the craps table in Las Vegas? Maybe your future descendants will be rich beyond your wildest dreams because of your underwater mortgages 100 years from now, maybe they’ll buy you eternal life with the rate biotechnology is going these days.

This is definitely an entirely new level of housing crisis red flags. If you’ve ever seen Southeast Asia where boats are all linked up and people have stilt houses over the ocean maybe that’s the future of this area.

Or maybe the tech Giants will pull some crazy Dubai style projects and create some new floating city you can see from space.

San Francisco where is your disco?!

